Horror Genre:
The horror genre intends to scare the viewers through frightening images and sounds. Horror films take the things that people are most afraid of and uses them within their film in order to leave the viewer thinking of the what they just watched. Within horror there are many subgenres including action horror, body horror, comedy horror, drama horror, psychological horror, science fiction horror, thriller, supernatural horror, slasher film, etc. I plan on doing some more research on these specific genres after my partners and I discuss which we all like the most.
I also did some research on the characteristics of horror films and found some information that will help make the film as close to the horror genre as possible. According to information I found on Psychology Today, "horror movie elements that scare us the most include Fear of Death, the dark, creepy, crawly things, scary places, disfigurement, dismemberment, suspense, spooky music, lightning and thunder, and fear of the unusual." I intend on my film opening having most these characteristics so that from the beginning it is established that I am creating a film within the horror genre.
I am trying to decide whether I want my film to include supernatural activity such as ghosts or if I want to go more along the lines of serial killer deaths. I plan on meeting with my partners tomorrow to bring all of our ideas together to see which idea we like the most and begin our planning (research, storyboard, characters, etc) from there. Although there is much more research and planning to go before we begin to film, I am excited to see what we come up with and can't wait to share it with you all!!
Thank you for stopping by my blog for updates, talk to you soon!!
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