Saturday, March 23, 2019


Hi guys!

I have some important information that I would like to share with you. My group and I have been discussing names for our characters in the film opening and agreeing on this has probably been one of the toughest things (besides coming up with a name that fit). Although this was a struggle, I am glad to say that we have finally come up with the names we will be using. 

The fathers name will be David Jones, the mothers name will be Madison Jones, the brothers name will be Alexander Jones, the sisters name will be Hannah Jones and the main characters name will be Eric Jones. 

We have also come up with ages for each character so that we may list it on the gravestone indicating how old they were when they died. Not sure if I have mentioned this in any other blogs previously (don't think I did because this was a minor change made a couple days ago) but this film will be taking place in 2015. With that being said, the ages are as follows: 

David Jones was born in 1964 and died at 51 years old. 
Madison Jones was born in 1966 and died at 49 years old. 
Alexander Jones was born in 1997 and died at 18 years old. 
Hannah Jones was born in 2000 and died at 15 years old. 

Knowing the names and years of birth/death were important because without that we would be unable to complete the gravestones. 

Now that I have all the information I need I am finally able to finish the gravestones!! I already bought the supplies needed and cut the styrofoam into the shape needed. I am excited to share the final product of our graves in the next blog post!

Until then, I hope you all have an amazing weekend (: Remember to check in tomorrow!!

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Below I included my Creative Critical Reflection which is a reflection of my process throughout this project including the good and the bad....