Sunday, March 24, 2019


Hi all, hope you had a great weekend!

So I finally had the time to make our gravestones since it is spring break and I didn't have to worry about homework or studying. The process took time with many drafts but I finally got the result we wanted. I made four cemetery graves for the four family members who died and also made our fake blood which we will use to put our symbol on their heads. Since our props are now done we will begin our filming process tomorrow!! I am so excited to finally shoot the opening scene and see how it factors into our final product.
We also messed around with our diegetic and non-diegetic sounds we plan on making. We decided that for the ticking of the clock we will record an actual block ticking and for the pencil tapping we will record the sound of a pencil hitting a desk. We are unsure of what music we will want in the background (we are currently discussing that in our group chat) and we are thinking of either doing a voice over or no speaking at all (most likely no voice over). These are details in which we will be discussing more as we meet tomorrow to shoot.

I can’t wait to begin sharing more with you all (:

The pictures above are of the spray paint I used and the graves immediately after being sprayed.

Here is the final product (:

Hope you enjoyed the final product. Check back tomorrow for some teasers I will be releasing when my group and I get together to film the scene! 

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Below I included my Creative Critical Reflection which is a reflection of my process throughout this project including the good and the bad....